
We were so lucky with the weather and thank goodness we weren’t there on Sunday with all that rain.

Mike Kreibig and Annie Tyllyer only managed a short run with their Dingo before one tyre went flat, so off to the repair shop.
It was disappointing that someone had used the ruin as a toilet prior to the Working Bee. There must be other unused areas of the Common that would be out of people’s way if you are ‘caught short’.
We saw a major change inside the ruin with the rooms pretty much cleared of all the surplus soil, sifted and levelled, with the hallway partly cleared.  The tree stump in the back room (kitchen?) was safely removed, plastic was laid on the floors and more gravel is all that is needed to bring it up to the required floor level.  Not too big a job to complete. It was hot heavy work for these people and our thanks go to Shelley Owen, Mark Elliott, Gary Packer, Eilish Packer, Bob Alexander, Ian Ewing and Jim Coyne for a job well done.
Stage 1 of the Elm Grove paths is now completed with the last lot of gravel needing to have a bobcat run over the last section to pack it down.  Thank you to Marg and Paul Hunniford with your Kanga for completing the gravel fill and raking.  It is a delightful walk along the paths though the Elm Grove.
Alan Casey and Brendan Robinson safely cut down a number of dead branches in the Elm Grove which were cleared out by various utes and a quad bike and piled ready for mulching before the Roundup, with the mulch to be used in the Elm Grove. Another group cleared small branches and logs from the grassed and treed areas towards the dam making it safer for walking and for craft stalls for the Roundup. Our thanks go to Pat Dredge, Rhys Robinson, Michael and Barbara Kitchen and Hisako Ewing for their work in the Elm Grove.  Dave Rossiter and Paul Bombardier, our work supervisors seem to handle all the questions asked of them and we were all very pleased with the progress that was made.
Morning tea at 10:30 was very welcome and well received, with sausage sandwiches, cooked by Neil Thompson when he arrived after work. Thank you Neil. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend and thank you to those who advised their inability.
Thank you all for your time and hard work. Our Common would not look as good as it does without your involvement.




Helen Alexander


Royalla Common s355 Committee

Hits: 1958