
The last two working bees before the Roundup were respectively held on a Sunday and a Saturday to assist those with other weekend commitments to contribute as they were available. They were very well attended with 28 and 23 people attending.


On 15 March 2015 the team faced 21 tasks and most of these tasks were completed or substantially dented.  While a chill wind forced the morning tea and registration to occur in the more sheltered Elm Grove rather than under the hay shed, the cooler weather assisted in keeping the participants active and did not deter those who  wanted to participate in the post event sausage sizzle and further refreshments.  Amongst many other things, paths were topped up in the Elm Grove, a track was established from the new gate to the Wayne's Paddock car park, the path round the ruin was completed with newly delivered gravel, the mound where the new building is to be built was trimmed of excess gravel and a new gate was installed at the old entry - it is straight and swings on hinges!  Other general tidying up work was done through out the site including removing tripping hazards and filling dips in the wider Common area.

On 21 March 2015 the team faced 19 mostly new tasks and they too were thoroughly dented.  A less chilly wind which died down during the working bee lead to a lovely calm day but the morning tea crew again wisely set up with registration in the elm grove and the post working bee sausage sizzle was held there too.  Additional piles of road base delivered during the week were spread on the new road to the car park, a swale drain was constructed next to the road, further dips and hollows were filled on the common, temporary fences were installed around the ruin and the abandoned harvester, broken pallets were tidied up, three sides of the site were whipper snippered along fence lines, the main paddock was mown using three mowers, artists tackled the fence weaving around the proposed children's play area, Wayne's paddock was mowed and old logs around the snow gums were tidied up plus several other tasks were completed.  

Thanks are due to all who worked so hard to achieve the completion of this set of over forty tasks - a fabulous effort which has brought the Royalla Common up to scratch for the setup for the Royalla Roundup next weekend.  This has been a great display of the community spirit rapidly developing in Royalla and surrounding areas.  We also are thankful to our sponsors for providing gravel and road base (Holcim) and the residents who have arranged transport and delivery of these materials, as well as supplying fencing, gates and posts for the new entries.



Dave Rossiter
Site Planning
Royalla Common s.355 Committee

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